International Certificate in Migration Studies
International Certificate in Migration Studies, is an international program that will strengthen the career of students and practitioners who work in the field of migration studies.
Here are all the courses that are included in this program.
The course doesn't provide only definitions, theories, and legal frameworks of migration and refugee studies. But, also broader aspects, such as stereotypical notions of migrants which make this course a rich source for professionals and students.
In this course, we will explore the causes, mechanisms, forms, and consequences of contemporary international migration worldwide, by making an emphasis on different regions, known as typical for emitters and receptors of migrants.
Migration is a recurrent social phenomenon. What are the Gendered Experiences in Movement? Prof.Jasmin Lilian Diab in a very comprehensive fashion demonstrates the process of intersectionality and the scope of gendered identities.
History defines the culture of cities. Moreover, culture is cumulative, it is not an independent entity. Thus, it is the main narrator of the spirit of an inter-civilizational journey.