Course Description

The idea of the course, “Teaching and Learning in Health Sciences” is to develop current topics related to the teaching and the learning processes in health sciences at the university level. In relation, relevant topics will be proposed, such as the role of professors and students in the training of health sciences professionals, teaching strategies, didactics and the role of education, information and communication technologies in the COVID-19 era.
Likewise, the active role of students, the development of skills and abilities in practical training, the modalities of training and learning, will be discussed.
The EPA (Entrustable Professional Activities) and the PBL (Problem- based learning) as allies in professional training in health sciences and the new challenges faced by the university in the training of competent professionals capable of providing solutions to various problems in the daily performance of their profession.
This course is oriented to professors, educators and students from Health Sciences in Higher Education level.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the challenges of teaching and learning in health sciences.
- Rethink health sciences teaching practices today.
- Rethink health sciences learning practices today.
- Self-assess the teaching practices.
Course Curriculum
This course will have a weekly recorded class with reading material and exercises to be completed and presented to the professor through the university’s platform. The professor will assume a role of facilitator. The vides will contain some relevant topics that the students will have to enrich with the article ́s lecture and the exercises and tasks proposed. This way, the students will assume the principal role in their learning process and will practice through the task's solve. The professor will correct the exercises and the final exam and will do feedback to enrich the learning experience.
There will be also experiences exchanges, dialogues with the professor and the other participants to make this course dynamic and to enrich the learning experience. The students will have the chance to contact the professor as many times as needed to ask questions and make comments.