Course Description

This course looks at the global energy interactions from an interdisciplinary perspective mainly international relations. In other words, the energy dimension of international relations will be focused on. From this attitude, security studies, political science, and international political economics principles will be applied to scrutinize how energy raises conflicts or paves the way for international cooperation among different states. The idea will be somehow to find how international energy interactions work currently, and how they will change in the future.
Learning Objectives
The course aims to addresses the general role of energy in global interactions, the geopolitics of oil and gas, international energy organizations’ function, energy pricing, new and renewable energy resources’ role and impact on world energy issues, EU energy policy and relations and theoretical principles of the energy security concept.
Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to become able to explain fundamental concepts of world energy issues, map the major energy flows around the world, analyze the major energy player’s behaviour and multilateral relations between the US, Russia, the Middle East, EU as well as international organizations like OPEC, and to apply their learnings to describe the future of the world energy image in light of this course.
Course Curriculum